Hello ladies and gentlemen, its been a while. It feels great coming to you again with this important issue at hand. Have you ever been told off by a lady because you failed to meet up with your responsibilities in your love relationship? If so, how did you handle it? If you are yet to experience some tongue-lashing from a girl you supposedly love or running after, then you can brace up and get ready.
A fan of the Woman Wrapper Blog wrote me and actually sent me a copy of the text message he recieved from his girlfriend just this new year. This is no made-up story, it is real. What I cannot do is to publish his real name and I guess you know why.
He admitted actually having intercourse witrh her girl within a short period that they met but he never had the resources to paint the town red for her. That is - he never gave her money nor bought expensive gifts for her but nevertheless, he showed her love and care.
Since she stopped picking his calls to say a Happy new year and to break the silence, he had to invite his girlfriend.s friend over to discuss the situation since the three were very close and knew what was going on. However, the girlfriend;s friend declined the invitation.
He said trouble started when he realised he was not comfortable with the se**x as he wanted to give his life to God. He knew that anytime both were together, they were never able to resist themselves and so he tactically started avoiding her. He admitted that maybe he didnt handle it well as she took offence and after series of cold silence and heartaches from both sides, she sent him this message...
"I taught you are an adult but you can't take care of a woman.
You just ran away and now inviting my roommate
to ur house when am not around so that you can also have her abi?
But I know you just need free sex which you got but
I am assuring you one thing, t
his is how you will keep
on testing all the girls till you repent and you shall find your match
Have you asked yourself why your condition is
like this! It is because of your stupid lifestlye.
Why won't I be OK by you staying on your own w
hen you can't even afford tissue paper for a lady? I
have never in my life seen a guy as stingy as you
before. Stay on your own but make sure you don't
deceive yourself by going to church."
This fan says he needs advice on the way forward. He said even though this message hurt his personality, he is determined more than ever to become a better man and if necessary prove her wrong.
What do you think he should do?
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