When I say that the beauty and s*x of women have become sophisticated and enhanced in recent years, could I be far from the truth? This is not only seen in how much effort is expended and how much of material resources spent in promoting the beauty and sex of women these days. These are also seen in how willing men have become in indulging with women either for illicit or legitimate love affairs and relationships. Basically, men are drawn to women by the latter’s beauty, s*x and the third reason which may be rare but most honorable – true affection.

In all these, most men seem to have forgotten that what makes a woman what she is and who she is are more spiritual than physical. Hence any misconception or wrong behavior towards a woman will mostly attract some deep spiritual consequences.

Beautiful African Woman
African Beauty, very spiritual
Regrettably, while some men perceive women as s*x objects, others see women as helpers, helpmates, worthy partners and friends. Whatever be your perception goes a long way in determining what manner of benefit you get from your relationship with women – could be spiritual or physical benefit.
Believe it or not, the outcome of a love affair or relationship with a woman impacts a man deeply. It either leaves him more mature, stronger and spiritually elevated. Otherwise, he becomes more selfish, insecure and spiritually impoverished. Many cultures especially in Africa believe that if a woman curses a man who breaks her heart, such swear of curses takes effect. Furthermore, it only takes a counter-swear from the same woman to undo the curse.
General Napoleon of the great French army once said, “as long as France has good mothers, they would have good sons”. This analogy brings to fore the relevance of women as formators, influencers and organisers. Women are blessed with potentials to influence and reform situations. This potential is not measured by a woman’s facial beauty, body build nor sensual disposition. It is intrinsic and present in all women. A new born baby’s first learning environment is the mothers thoughts, actions and her values made known to the child. Beasts have been known to be tamed by mere words and touch of women. Gen. Napoleon believed from his statement that as long as women exist in France, the country had a future. Could anyone still say that all these attributes of women’s spirituality, beauty, s*x and their near-omnipotence can only be ordinary? Never!
For the love of women’s sex and beauty, many men have lost sight of the need to relate properly with women for a mutually-benefiting love and relationship affairs. These misbehaviors have continued to bring misfortunes to men in different facets of their lives. Ultimately, such men are blinded from recognizing the true love and the perfect woman helpmate meant for them. Although these men may still get married, their marriages commonly break up or become a lasting example of “hell on earth union”.
Loving and respecting women irrespective of their facial beauty and sex is indeed the beginning of wisdom. It attracts a whole lot of spiritual blessings and breakthroughs to men. It pays to be sincere with every woman who walks into your life. If a man becomes truly unhappy in a relationship, it is better to quit entirely than adopting cheating as a way out of his sadness. Women appreciate men who say the truth irrespective of whose ox is gored.
Men, this is an invitation to start treating women with respect. Do not measure your love or respect for women based on a woman’s sexual orientation, looks, beauty or material disposition.

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